I found you!

Katie • 28F, TTC since March 2015. Baby 1 Miscarried at 9w 7/23/2015. Baby 2 EED 9/20/2016!
Rebecca and I are friends on Instagram and she talked me into downloading Glow to join this group. I've been scrolling through the TTC groups all morning and I just found it!
I am Katie, I'm from Missouri, and I've been married for 2.5 years. My husband and I started TTC in April and had our first pregnancy in June. The pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage and D&E in July. We've had no luck since then.
I am a terrible POASer. I usually cave around 9-10 DPO, even though I didn't get my first BFP until 11 DPO last time. Maybe you all can help me save my poor POAS budget!