Feeling down.

Emily • Mummy to my very first beautiful baby boy. November 1st 2015.💙👶🏻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
I've been feeling so down recently because it just feels like my little man isn't going to be coming any time soon. Needing to vent really. I'm 39+3 and I've had no signs, no lost mucus plug, no Brixton hicks....nothing. I know people always say "they'll come when they're ready" but when you're feeling this down you don't really wanna hear it. I just want my baby in my arms now and don't know how I will cope if I have to wait an extra 2 weeks past his due date (which is what I've been told I'll have to wait if I need inducing!) it's like torture! Come on little man!  Fingers crossed it will happen soon! Are any of you mommas to be feeling the same?