Anxious to know when baby will come!

My 1st 2 daughters were born at 37 weeks and my 3rd was born at 34 weeks I had started dialating at 30 weeks. At 27 weeks with this guy I was having some light spotting so I was checked and I was 50-75% effaced and a fingertip dialated, I am now 30 weeks and have been getting progesterone shots since 16 weeks and also have gestational diabetes. I'm so anxious over every ache and pain which I was never like this in previous pregnancies. I wish I knew when he was coming! 34-35-36-37 weeks??? I haven't even bought him hardly any clothes because idk if he's going to be little or big, my kids tend to be on the larger side like 0-3 months clothes but my preemie wore newborns hate to buy newborn and not need them or buy 0-3 and need newborn. Plus I've never had a boy, my doc said boys don't do as well as girls early!