Don't ask if you don't want to know..

Sarah • Smiles are contagious! :o) Mommy of two under two. 💜💙
Rant: if you ask for open opinions about your baby name and its something like "candy", "Lexi", or "cherry", don't get all crazy on me because I say it sounds like a stripper name! If I were about to name my kid something crazy, I would want to know! It's just an opinion and you asked. And other commenters should be aware of that too. If someone asks for honest opinions, negative ones are going to be out there, so back off. The person might find the information completely helpful. And if they don't? They can name their kid "Princess Hifflebottom" for all I care but if they ask my opinion on that, I'm going to tell them and it will be negatiiiiive!