Obgyn and midwife issues anyone

Is anyone else having issues with their obgyn or midwives idunno I feel like my doctor doesn't know what's happening. I get he delivered a lot of babies so to him it's repetitive but I'm a ftm and I have concerns and worries. I shouldn't be asking what's next you should just tell me. Ex I went to the hospital for spotting couple of weeks ago and I saw him yesterday and he had no idea like wth it's ur on call doctor how do you not know? I had to go back for a 2nd scan that I did at my 20 week sano he give me the referral and yesterday he tells me I need to go for a second scan.. and I'm like i already went you sent me... it's things like that that make me soo angry I dont know when to start counting movements, found out from this app. Just makes me nervous that I'm more on top of things then they are. Anyone else feel this way? Sorry had to vent

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