Bleach test really?!

C&G <3 • Whelp we are a comfy family of 4

So you are trying to get pregnant and MIGHT be (even by accident) pregnant and need to find out. Well walmart sells tests for $0.88 and the state health department and even some churches and schools (at least in my area) offers them for free. But i am more often now seeing people turn to "homemade test" aka the bleach test.

Basicallly you use bleach and your urine to get a result. Now backup here your urine contains ammonia some people will have more some will have less. But basic science states ammonia + bleach = MUSTARD GAS. Wait wasn't that a weapon used in war....why yes YES it was! So why would anyone take the slightest chance of harming themselves much less there baby when $0.88 and FREE is available. Please no matter how "safe" you are being don't chance this! Especially when there is no scientific proof and actually a history of women saying it doesnt work to motivate not trying it!