Vent...sad.. Like wtf!!

So my husband and I went to our first decently big party tonight. I wanted to go and so did my husband. I told him I was already starting to get anxiety before we left but I really wanted to go. Once I got there I totally locked up. I knew but only two people and totally just locked myself into a hole. I couldn't speak to anyone but his sister. I use to not be like this as a teenager. I almost started crying while at the party. I didn't know how to act or what to say I felt like a picture on the wall. We left when his sister left and I felt ashamed and relieved we were leaving. I can't even go to a simple party. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. 
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Hey, I know exactly how you feel. When something like this happens to me, I gotta remind myself to not be so hard on myself! And treat myself kindly! It's ok that you maybe prefer small groups or close friends over large party situations. There are LOTS of people who are introverted who feel the same way. Good for you for just showing up! I know that might not feel like a big accomplishment, but it is if you have anxiety about certain social situations! Don't be ashamed.  You are great the way you are.


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i get like that durin social events sometimes cuz i feel i mayb inadequate