I need boyfriend advice…

So my boyfriend asked me last night if he could go out with a friend today and I asked who and he said "ummm well erin and Haley will be there" (names aren't real they've been replaced) which I know these girls but I don't like one of them really and he knows that. So I asked if it was going to he just them and he said there would be others. And I asked where they were going and he said to the city so I asked for what and he flipped out and said nevermind and I find out today that he's other friend which his my friend too is going then my bf was mad and said that I was selfish that he tries to spend as much time with me but all I wanna do it complain on Twitter about him. "Your always trying to make me feel guilty. And I'm about sick of it." He's mad and he's going with them tonight.