Appendicitis and infertility


I saw a fertility expert this week and she explained to me that ), as they are pretty certain I ovulate, there could be another problem.

I had acute appendicitis in 2007 which had gone gangrene. After the surgery it got infected.

The person I saw the other day said that one or both of my fallopian tubes could be blocked as a result.

She has referred me to have a laproscopy so they can see if my tubes are blocked. She said if they're blocked then they will get rid of some of the scar tissue from my appendix and then allows us 6 months to try and conceive. If we still can't then we have to try <a href="">IVF</a>.

I feel so overwhelmed by all of this. I got diagnosed with pcos in 2007 and to now be told that it could be a separate issue on top of that that is affecting my fertility, I'm finding it so much to take in.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation?

I know I need to be positive but all I keep thinking is just maybe I'm not meant to have children if all of this is preventing me from having them.