Can't do anything right..

I am so frustrated, I try so hard to make my SO happy. And lately I feel like everything I do is wrong. Tonight I made dinner..ribs, broccoli and mac n cheese.. The whole time he kept asking "is it done yet?" "How much longer?" "If I had made it, it would've been done an hour ago" it literally took everything in me not to blow up on him. Then as we were sitting down eating he says "I'm in such a bad mood now, because I know I'll always have to cook from now on. You can't do anything anymore"
Dinner only took an hour to cook. And since I've been pregnant, I have been cooking less because after working all day I just don't want to cook! But when I do, he's so rude that I just feel like shit afterwards and can't do anything but go in the other room and cry.