Curling of the Hair

Hello All 🤗 
I curled my hair earlier today and it looked like this 👇🏻
But  after about two hours it looks like this 👇🏻
I did take this picture in the evening, but it does look like this shortly after curling. I like the way both of these styles look, but it is frustrating that I put so much time and effort into curling and it just goes so flat so quickly. I don't usually curl or straighten my hair, but when so do curl it I will use a little bit of hairspray and of course a heat protector spray. Do ya'll have any tips or tricks to help my curls stay in place longer? Is this a normal thing or does it only happen to me, because it seems like it only happens to me. My hair is very soft and fine, so I expect that is why I can't get the curls to stay very well. Thanks to any helpful comments! 🙃