New to diva cup! Some ?s

Hi so first of all I'm 18 and a virgin. I primarily use tampons during the day and pads at night. But I just started using a diva cup! I'm on day two with using it and I have some questions. 
1) are there any health concerns about using a cup while being a virgin? 
2) over time will the cup stretch out my vagina? :/
3) I have the most difficulty getting the cup out. I do it in the shower. How long did it take you to 'master'/ 'get the hang of it'? 
4) it takes me a couple minutes to get it out. With practice will it become faster? Can you remove it painlessly and quick?
5) this is day two for me and what I've been doing and would like to keep doing is wear the cup during  the day and remove it at night and sleep with a liner or pad. Yay or nay? 
And finally,
6) are there any specific brands of soap I should avoid using when cleaning my cup? Is hand soap or body wash okay?