Thanksgiving delivery!! πŸˆπŸ—πŸΌπŸ₯


We were 10 days past our due date and I had a funny feeling it was gonna happen. Finally that morning I pretty much woke up with contractions and waited. I lost my mucus plug and called the maturity ward being 5 minutes apart already and we live 25 miles away. They had me wait because I was barely dialated at 1-2. After speaking to my "off-duty" OB they decided to admit me and put me on Oxytocin drip (to get things going). Then I started getting HEAVY DUTY contractions! I was in labor all day. After about 8 hours I finally decided to get some pain relief!!! At this point I really wanted Turkey! They advised against it so I just went with the pain relief flow and tried following the football game. (I still don't recall who was playing that day!!)

The checked me again and still not dilated above 3 so they decided to manually break my water and get ready to push. Both the baby and I were having blood pressure drops so it was time to get him out.

It finally came time to push... And push... And push... For about 40 minutes and then he came. I was so excited I closed my eyes!! When they laid him on my chest I heard his voice in his little breathe and I opened my eyes. Tears rolled down my face... "He has my nose!" Was all I could say! It was love at first breathe! Once I knew he was out, breathing and safe I relaxed completely with joy!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜