I feel defective...

I have inverted nipples and they've been a source of self-consciousness for my entire life. They make me feel ugly and defective. When I turned 18 I got them pierced—I was told it was the easiest solution—and the piercings were rejected. Last year I got pregnant on accident—it ended in miscarriage very early on. More recently I got tired of being on the Pill and tried an IUD, which ended in expulsion—twice. Okay, fine. Let's try Nuvaring. First day I put it in, it falls out. I try every technique of putting it in for a whole month, finally just giving up because of the discomfort it caused. 
I feel like such a failure as a woman. My nipples don't look right and the only solution didn't work. I get pregnant and my body won't hold a child. I try the best and easiest form of birth control and my body rejects it. I try the next best option—something I had to settle for—and it still won't work. It just feels like at every turn my body betrays me and it makes me feel like less of a woman. It effects my sexuality so much and that kills me inside, I don't know how much more of this disappointment I can handle...