I must say I'm very proud of myself and how I handled the pregnancy

I must say I'm very proud of myself and how I handled the pregnancy. I was due October 23 and I just knew that I was going to have him on time from me working all the way up to my due date. I had my last doctors appointment on my due date and the scheduled me to get induced in a week which was October 30. So over the weekend I did some last minute things around the house packed our bags and got some much needed sleep. Monday morning I got went for my daily walk came back in the house and took a nap. Later on that day I washed my hair and did some more cleaning. I got ready for bed and about 11pm I started having pains. I got up to go to the bathroom and noticed that pants was wet so I thought I peed on myself. I changed clothes and layed  back down 5 minutes later same thing. I got up again and it start running down my leg. I woke everyone in the house up so we can go to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital around 1:20am Tuesday morning. They admitted me around 4 something, I was still having small contractions. Around 9am I had something for pain and it wore off by 1pm. They checked me at 2pm to see if I was dilated, I was only 3 centimeters. They checked me again around 2:30 I was 8 centimeters and the pains got worse. I got the epidural and felt better. I started pushing at 4pm, it took me 2 hours to push because every time I pushed him he went right back in. I pushed for the last time and finally he came right on out at 6:35pm. I was so happy and overjoyed. My son Karson Tyler Maddox was born weighing 8pounds 4ounces and 21 inches long