Born on Halloween

Born on Halloween! 10/31/15, 10:13am at 6lbs 12 oz and 19 1/2in long! She was due 11/13, my water broke Friday night as I laid down in bed after my last shift at work before maternity leave lol. (Hairstylist) I had a whopping 3 hours of 'down time' lol. Water broke on its own, 11:30pm, contractions started and were close together, dr sent me in to L&d. I was already 5cm when I got to the hospital @ 2am. By 9:45am I was fully dilated and pushed her out at 10:13am. I did have an epidural at 5/6 cm but my contractions were totally tolerable, I just didn't want to feel everything down there in case of episiotomy (which I did get), but feel I could have done without it if I hadn't had that fear. I was a little too numb and couldn't feel where to push, so we stopped the epidural so I could get some feeling back before pushing. I was only at the hospital for 8 hours before she came, had an easy labor, recovery hasn't been bad at all, just sore down there, but no problem being up and walking myself to the bathroom/showering etc. I'm hoping to calm the nerves of other FTM who are scared about going into labor. It isn't always the hectic, painful scenario that we see on tv!