Went into L&D for bad regular contractions for 5 hours, after being monitored for an hour i was ...

Went into L&D for bad regular contractions for 5 hours, after being monitored for an hour i was kept for high blood pressure and since i was so close to my due date (39+3). They gave me pain medication through IV, then the contractions got worse so i got an epidural. When they last checked i was only dilated to a 3. About 6 hours passed and i couldnt move or feel my legs at all, couldnt feel my contractions or the baby move but they said it was fine and still hadnt checked me. At 11:54 i felt the slightest pressure and like something was between my legs and sure enough it was my babies head i couldnt sit up to grab her or even help push her out, she came out on her own and i called for a nurse and everyone came rushing in. I had a perinal tear and needed multiple stitches but other than that im fine and so is baby.