My beautiful baby boy is here a week before his induction (pics)

My beautiful baby boy is here a week before his induction! Labor was such a fast whirl wind. Contractions started irregularly at 4:30 am on November 1st. Left for the hospital at 9:30 am after bloody show. By the time I got there I was 2cm dialated 90% effaced and baby's head was +2. They started a room for me and once I was at four centimeters doctor ordered the epidural so he could break my water. I was given some pitocin to help with irregular contractions and soon they were 3 min apart. About a few hours later around 5:30pm I could feel the pressure change and the urge to push was starting. They came to check me and I was 9cm dialated and head was +3. Once it was time to push I pushed for about 30 min and he was out. Born @ 6:52pm November 1st with all fingers and toes. The biggest relief I could ever imagine. Hudsyn Kai Vazquez was 5lbs 8oz and 19in! He is so healthy and perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better experience, nursing staff, doctor and family.