Age to lose the V-card

Jessica • Taken 😍 18 ❤️
Okay okay I've been seeing heaps of "what age were you when you lost your virginity?" And the responses have really shocked me. I'm not trying to make people who have done this feel bad because that is in the past and that has made you the strong woman/man you are today, but please don't lose your virginity at 12 or 13 or even 14. Having sex isn't just having sex it's a strong commitment and emotional bond you create with the person you're having sex with. It is making love. I'm not saying wait til marriage because I didn't. I was 16 when I lost mine. I didn't understand the whole it's a bond thing til I actually had sex for the first time. I'm still with that man (boyfriend of 2 years) today, but if I had given it away at 12, 13 or 14 I would have given it to the wrong guy. Please you're too immature and not developed enough to cope with the commitments that it creates. Especially if you fall pregnant! I'm only 17 almost 18 and I still find it overwhelming sometimes. All I ask is you all just wait. I get its your decision, but from my friends experiences and my own. I say wait til you are atleast that little older.