She's finally here!!!! ๐Ÿ’• (lots of pics ๐Ÿ˜…)

Michelle โ€ข Ruby ๐Ÿ’•
We are so grateful to have our little angel home with us! We had so many scares during labor and delivery. When my water broke there was a ton of meconium in it. When we got to the hospital I still wasn't having any contractions, even after walking around every floor of the hospital and waddling down 7 flights of stairs, so I had to be induced. The contractions came on with a vengeance! She was also crooked which was causing my contractions to cluster instead of coming at regular intervals so to fix it I had to lay on my side with a medicine ball between my legs. It was miserable but she finally turned! When it came time to push everything was going great until she became stuck. The nurses were watching the monitors and I could see in their faces that they were getting concerned. She had her cord wrapped around her neck and her heart rate dropped drastically. I have never felt so terrified and helpless in my life. I was even more scared because there were people from the NICU standing by during delivery which just confirmed that our situation was serious. The doctorย told me that my baby was in distress and that we needed to get her out NOW. He did an episiotomy and had me start pushing constantly instead of just during contractions.ย At 6:48pmย on October 30th, 2015 our sweet little Ruby was born healthy and thriving at 8lbs 7.2oz and 20.5 inches long. I was so happy to hear her raspy little cry and ESPECIALLY happy to see the people from the NICU leave without my little girl! I thank God every day that everything turned out okay and feel so blessed to have my little family. Life is good ๐Ÿ’•ย 
24 minutes old ๐Ÿ˜Š