Doctors visit!!


Well it was time for my lovely annual exam so I made my appointment && got to talk to my doctor about me && my husband TTC for the last Six month.. Well she made sure to explain every little thing we can do to improve our chances! She made me so comfortable && confident!! My ovaries, cervix, && uterus are all perfectly fine as far as size && such.. She told us quit smoking the second you walk out that door both of y'all need to quit.. && WE DID!! She took some blood to run a few extra tests to make sure everything looks good! But other that stop smoking she said take a daily vitamin, && have sex every other day!

She came to talk to me about my HPV vaccine but said since I have till I'm 26 to get it anyway that I don't bee do worry about it she said what we need to worry about is getting us pregnant && delivering a baby!! She made me feel so great which i really needed! I'm super excited to have her as a obgyn! Let's hope her positivity && quitting smoking gets me pregnant!!

Had to share that sorry!