
Alexus • After 7 miscarriages & slightly complicated pregnancy my first baby has made it to the world born April 3,2017 6lbs 4oz. Ayden Joshua 💛 & Ashton Franklin 11/11/18 💚
I'm having pain on my right side, more abdominal and today like on my side and back. Has US yesterday both types & no baby in either one. Couldn't see anything in my tUbes but nothing in my uterus. The first noticeable pain was 10/31 or maybe before but if I was having this pain since then.. Should something be visible by now.. I don't ovulate regularly but I think I ovulated 10/17 or 10/18 but LMP 9/30/15. So I could still be under 5 weeks or 5w2days.. Hcg 11/4-1087 & 11/5- 1800. This is my fourth pregnancy but the previous 3 ended in miscarriage. Naturally. I try to relax but this is crazy