Dec. Moms...we are all uncomfortable!

Jordan • Expecting our first on 12/15/15. Can't wait to meet our baby boy 💙
At this point, we are all uncomfortable to the point we want to give up! We can't sleep, walk, sit, breath, and everything else normally. That being said, I have seen so many posts about how "I can't even" anymore, trust me I am right there with you!! However, I just wanted to remind everyone that even though it might not seem like it, we are all very lucky that we have even gotten to this torturous stage. We should feel blessed that first off, we were able to get pregnant and have the pregnancy stick. Blessed that we have felt kicks and movement. And blessed to watch our little ones grow (and us along with it). At the end of this horrible stage, we get the best gift and stare into our little ones eyes. We can do it!! Not too much longer!! Good luck everyone, in the remaining part of your journey! Just trying to spread positive vibes! Now time for me to scoop my boobs off my belly, and go eat some chocolate or something 😊