Well i went to sleep like usual on oct

Well i went to sleep like usual on oct. 19 and around 3a.m i woke up to contractions they werent so painful And i wasnt sure it meant labor because i was 38 weeks then but at 35 weeks i was already experiencing contractions and was dilated to a 3 so i just started timing them and they started becoming 3 to 4 minutes apart and they wouldnt go away as usual so  i waited till 7 a.m and arrived to the hospital when they checked My cervix they said i was 5-6 cm dilated so the nurse said she was going to get the delivery room Anda call My doctor so as soon as they took me to the delivery room i couldnt stand the contractions so i asked for the epidural i got it and felt so comfortable afterwards well after 3 hours i was a 10 doctor came in, i couldnt feel My legs but it was time to push so i pushed 3 sets of 3 and My Baby boy Ethan ARRIVED!! I didnt feel Any pain im so thankful With God he was With me the whole time!!
38 weeks! 7 lbs 3 oz 19in born oct. 20