Really bad UTI?

Lexie • 20 years old, biology major and aspiring ob/gyn ❤️
I've had a UTI for about over a month now, I've taken 3 types of medication for it. AZO at first, then my parents got me Bactrim, but I had an allergic reaction to it. So I was put on Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium after I went to a doctor. Today is my last day taking it, my last pill is tonight, but I just went to the bathroom and it burned. Advice?? I have an appointment with a gynecologist on November 14, 2015, so in 8 days, do I wait till the gyno or talk to my mom about it more? My parents are very lazy people. They try to let things go away before they try to fix them. They gave me medication that wasn't prescribed to me that gave me a fever and all over body rash and thought I faked it to stay home from school. I'm 15, any advice please??