First round of gonal-f, failed


Hi there,

So after 4 unsuccessful rounds of Clomid, this month my doctor suggested to try gonal-f (lowest dosage 37,5). Besides the fact that it takes few days to get used to the idea of stabbing yourself with the smallest needle ever, I have admit that it was not as bad as I expected. So 10 days later and 147 visits, ultrasounds and bloodwork, I had a beautiful egg measuring 20 mm. I got the trigger shot of Pregnyl, babydanced as doctor prescribed and the 2ww ordeal began. Of course with tons of real and imaginary symptoms, including being 3 days late. I ran to the hospital for a test, as all the HPT were negative and on my way back to work, ta-daaaa, the witch arrived.

Did any of you tried gonal-f and how many months it took to get pregnant?

I would really appreciate some words of encouragement, because after 1 year and 4 months of ttc, it is getting to me...