Heartbreaking post from Facebook!! // TRIGGER WARNING

I came across this post today and it just broke my heart. This family needs justice. Prayers are being sent out to them. 😔❤️
"This will be the hardest Post. My neice Tatyana Cashy Phillips had a tragic lost this week with her first born and asked me to share her story. 
I advise you to use caution while looking at the pictures but please sympathize as this is a trying time.
      Carrying a baby for nine months is not easy. It can be quite excruciating. Eighteen-year-old Tatyana Phillips moved to Houston a few months ago from Dallas while pregnant to live with her father. Prepared for her new life as a mother, she bought clothes daily as well as her family members. He was her first child and the tingling feeling and kicks jolted her mind as she thought about the first time she would hold him tight. His first bath. His first Holiday. His first birthday. All of the candid and Kodak moments held a perfect vision in her mind.
                        It was finally time and Phillips had dilated to 3 ½ centimeters and Dr. June Coleman pleaded with her to come into Bayshore Medical Center in Pasadena, Tx in conjunction with Houston. On October 4, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Phillips arrived and quickly went through registration, dressed out and was given an epidural at 5cm dilation. Several RN ‘s were back and forth in her room preparing her for the birth. It was now after 8:00 p.m. and Dr. Coleman had finally made her debut. She was dressed as if she was going dancing. She was in a rush and very rude to the family of Phillips; in which she was assisted by her father, aunt and grandmother during the birth. The baby was presumed to already be nine pounds. It was now time to push and Dr. Coleman tried to make Phillips push until it became too hard for her and now she grew frustrated and called in extra help. She then told Phillips to relax and placed her hand inside of her and turned the baby around. She noticed the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. She was able to un-wrap it. Within each contraction, Dr. Coleman told Phillips to push. His head was now out and stuck.
Nine to ten staff members were called in by Dr. Coleman. The family quickly thought a resolution was going to perpetuate. However, as the newborns head stayed stuck in Phillips placenta; the staff members were more intrigued with gossip in the hospital and home life. They continued to converse until Phillips shouted out in pain. “I can’t breathe!” she yelled. The staff members and doctors were very unprofessional and the baby’s life was in jeopardy. His heart rate begins to fluctuate.
“The baby is too big. There needs to be an emergency c-section!” Deborah Carson yelled. She was tired of seeing her niece in pain and confusion. It had been four hours.
“Just keep pushing.” Dr. Coleman demanded
Thirty minutes later approached. Phillips lay on the hospital bed soaking in sweat. She was tired and out of energy. Dr. Coleman smiled and walked closer to her and stated, “Either we can do a vacuum suction or keep pushing.”
There was no option for an emergency C-section. Dr. Coleman didn’t even let that surpass. She begin to try and suction out the baby with no permission and as she used the suction it took chunks out of his head. His heart rate was slowly dropping. She suctioned again two more times and it now cut Phillips. He was beginning to turn purple.
“I’m going to have to break his arm.” Dr. Coleman suggested
“No!” Phillips screamed
Dr. Coleman pulled him out without any further questions and broke his clavicle.  The clavicle (commonly referred to as the collarbone) is a bone found on both sides of the chest that connects the sternum or breastbone to both shoulders. A fractured clavicle is the medical term used when the collarbone is broken. His neck was also broken. She suctioned his nose as if nothing was wrong.
Phillips begin to cry as she knew her son had passed. She heard no cry and Dr. Coleman was silent. She gave her the news that he had died and tried to say insinuate he was Stillborn. It was not the case and we need your help.
The next day the hospital asked her to donate his eyes. SMH.
 Justice has to be served for my niece and our family. This is disturbing to the core. Please share her story..."