I've had a crush on this guy since last year and we got along great when we met, but that was back when I wasn't in the best position to date and I KNEW he'd never be down with it (plus, I wasn't ready to commit to someone else until I committed to myself first). 
Come September, I've GREATLY improved and I hang out with my crush and a mutual friend if ours. We've been messaging ever since. I've been out in public with him, we're all cutesy and stuff, but I don't know where we stand. Last week he called me "amazing" and all this other great stuff, but he doesn't want to risk the friendship and he's not ready to be cuffed yet (his ex girlfriend really did a number on him from what I know). I'm sticking around, of course. He likes me for me and we make each other laugh and we always have fun around each other. 
Should he take the risk and ask me?
 (I obviously say yes - I mean, my very best male friend is an ex I had (keyword is HAD) very good times with and now he's a brother and like family. 
But I need to hear unbiased thoughts on this..LADIES!!