I need some opinions

Sorry if tmi, me and my so have been trying for 5 years without tracking etc, 2 months ago we started doing everything properly. I've never been regular (3-7 months) but have gone 15 months without a period due to pcos (I'm not on meds as there's nothing I can take yet). we've been bd every other day and today I started my period (last was 11-15th september, but it's not a normal period (TMI) I have always started through the night and been very heavy red with clotting for the first 2 days, but today it started at lunch and is pinky and very light bleeding. I've also started cramping for the first time ever, I've been peeing none stop and feel very sick with an increased appetite. Could this be because of the vitamins I started taking or something else? I'm waiting for my pregnancy tests coming in the post but I'm terrified as everyone I've taken has been negative and it's heartbreaking. Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance.