Does anyone have any good resources on water breaking rules?

Amanda • 🌿🌰🌱

Most hospitals have a 24 hr rule for after your water breaks and my midwife and doula believe this to be ridiculous and not evidence backed care, and I used to have resources on it but got rid of them becuase my midwife agreed so I figured there was no need to *prove* myself if it came to pass. However now I'm planning a *shudder* hospital birth. :( and they DO have such a policy. Normally, I'd just leave them out of it and politely decline intervention and not tell them it had broken, as I don't plan on showing up until 7cm about, anyways.

My big hang up is that my SO isn't so sure about ignoring the 24 hr rule and declining hourly cervical checks. Can't seem to find my resources! Any to offer? :)