Period late, tests are negative.

Madison • Expecting our rainbow. 💜
Hey all, I have never posted on here before.. So here it goes. I was on depo for 5 years, I stopped back in June when it was due. I was on the pill for the following couple months after, but decided to stop as my husband & I want to have a baby soon. I started using glow 3 cycles ago. I had my first period, and even ovulated. I then started my second cycle down to the exact day I calculated I would, ovulated again.. Had sex the morning I ovulated (I'm 95% sure). I was due for my period Thursday, no sign of it. I had a tampon in afraid I was going to start, but anytime I remove it there is just yellow mucus. I've had lots of symptoms I believe could mean I'm pregnant, but maybe they also are just caused from my hormones adjusting? I find it weird I had a couple totally normal cycles though, any opinions? I've taken two tests both were negative. Could I be pregnant? I had cramps for like 3 days so I was positive I was going to start, but I didn't. Could I be testing negative, but be pregnant? I ovulated 14 days ago now.