Panic attack insomnia stress

Okay, I can't fall asleep at night, I'm getting closer to my due date and worried about EVERYTHING! how do I relax my brain and still be productive. I worry allot I've been told. Honestly I need a embrace. How do I come up with a plan, I feel bad like have you seen people who wait until Christmas morning to buy gifts, buy food, buy tree decorate the whole house the lights go out and buy all the Christmas stuff then have to do it all. Lol I've seen this in a movie but that's how I am feeling like Thanksgiving dinner and I have to go get the bird the same day! I'm panicked I need someone to be my clone get the work done while I go sit with a million puppies for a day then get back to business, lol I wish I could relax hot cup of cocoa and smoking hot husband have cozy sensual sex but I'm laying awake thinking about responsibilities=these were my husband's problems which I now have to take care of. Sorry super long rant but need some good friends