Birth Control Pills not 100%

Maybe this is just me and my carefree attitude but I don't get why so many girls are so paranoid about getting pregnant while on the pill.... 
I was on the pill for years and as long as I was taking it properly I never once worried about being pregnant and my boyfriend ejaculated inside me every night.
That's the point of the pill.  
Doesn't taking the pill, wearing a condom and pulling out take some of the fun out of sex? 
Riding a bike with a helmet is smart and safe.
Riding a bike with a helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads and elbow pads might make sure your fully protected but your ride is not going to be much fun. 
Yeah, I know nothing is 100% but really? 
I'm not about to loose sleep over a measly 2%
Live alittle! 
Just my thoughts.