Going into labour at university?

I'm 18 and just into my first semester at university. I already have planned to take the spring semester off so I can be home with my son. But my question is.. When does it become too risky to go to university while pregnant? Normal maternity leave for jobs would be 34 weeks here where I live but it doesn't apply to university. The semester is until February 12, which is funny as that is exactly my due date. If you'd be in my situation and still feel fine and didn't have labour signs would you still go up until the very last week? I'm asking because the last week of the semester and first week after that is exam week, mine are February 9, 10, 12 and 16.. I'm not too sure about the February 16 one but I'd kinda wanna get some done and not have to go take them when the re-sit is scheduled as I may only be 3-4 weeks postpartum then, depending on when baby comes. 
So what do you think would be an appropriate time to stop going to university ? I'm nervous about going into labor there as I have a 1.5 hour train drive home..