Clomid & clearblue ovulation kit

I am taking my first round of Clomid 50mg cd 2-6. I am currently on cd 12 with really bad cramps & sore boobs. My cycle is normally regular - 28 days. I tested on cd 9 with clearblue ovulation kit and got a smiley face which symoblises I'm at PEAK FERTILITY! 😀 
The symbol stayed on the test stick for cd 9-10 which the instructions state it would do. On cd 11 I tested again and got low fertility symbol so thought I must have ovulated really early due to taking Clomid. 
I then tested on cd 12 (today) and got another smiley face. 😀 
I thought you could only get one smiley face per cycle so now I'm confused. Have I already ovulated or am I ovulating now? 
I know some tests don't work when on Clomid but my consultant has told me to use them. 
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?