Rant: Religion at my baby shower!

I thought that you guys would understand.
My baby shower was sort of a disaster in a lot of ways, although I am happy that my in laws offered to throw one for me. 
Something that really sort of put the icing on the cake if you will was religion. My in laws are evangelical Christians. My family is secular Jew.
We had the baby shower on a Sunday, so my husband's grandma on his dad's side didn't show up neither did about 10 of his family members because of church. The family that didn't show up left letters to read to my unborn child, and they were all SO religious.
The grandma that didn't show up to the baby shower because of church wrote a letter that was basically an anti-abortion letter. It also included things like, "I hope you find Jesus at a young age".Needless to say, I won't be reading any of these letters to my baby. It also included things that were just straight up lies, like "your little brain is faster than a computer". I don't understand. Also,my husband was upset, although he put up a front, because his family couldn't celebrate with us. We didn't want to schedule for Sunday but it was the only time that worked!