Need advice!

My husband and I have been married for 3 years..  He can been Hard to deal with... I feel so sad sometimes becaseu I feel he could careless.. He says he does but I don't feel it.. He didn't want to have a baby right neither did I but I am excited God is giving us this gift! Last few days he can be okay one second and the next he can be so mean... Example. On Saturday I said I was craving Starbucks and he said why is it that when your pregnant you crave expensive stuff. And I said that's not true and I only said I was craving it I didn't ask you to go get me some. He said good because I'm not getting you any... Is like he doesn't see how rude he can be. I know we are tight financially but I didn't ask for anything! I just cried most of the day. And on top of that we are having a little trouble with this pregnancy so that makes me more sensitive and he doesn't care! IDK what to do.... 😭😭Please help!