Done did it..

So sick of what i see in the mirror, sick of looking at my SO and asking myself what is it about me that attracts him to me.. I even get up set when he gets dressed like he dressing up to impress but really he just throws clothes on and looks sexy he can't help it, but is everyone looking at us like i do when we're in public? Looking at us thinking what is he doing with her? ! Or is it just me. .. does anyone else see what i see when they look at me? Tired of having a non existent sex life aside from ttc because im so insecure with me..... the list goes on. IM DONE! I joined a gym today, worked out for a hour, and went grocery shopping surprisingly i didn't buy one junk food item except pop tarts for my 4 year old..... i need to make a change and only i can make myself truly happy. .. i wanna love me for once...... its been a struggle for so long and it has led me down some dark paths where weight loss was fast and easy but costly and could have been deadly.. Time to do this right. Set a example. Im so over hating and hurting my body looking for a quick fix to me being over weight.....