Sleeping through the night??

Ashleigh • Nolan Christopher 7/20/15👶🏼💙 Lucas John 05/31/18
Our baby will be 4 months old on the 20th and the longest he will stay asleep is 5 hours..usually waking up around 3-4 and then again at 6..and 7..and then he's up for good at 8. I'm dying. I know he's waking up out of habit now, he will only eat 1-2 ounces and fall asleep in the process. I've tried swaddling, I even went out and bought large swaddles. He was 15 pounds at the end of October and I read that once they're at a certain weight they shouldn't need to wake up and eat in the middle of the night? I'm about to slap my friend into next week if she tells me her 3 month old slept 9 hours again  lol. Any advice?? Should I try cereal?😓💤