
Jennifer • Baby BOY arriving mid-November
Well ladies, I feel like I keep up with most of you on Instagram, but all of a sudden feel outta the loop with everything that's been going on fertility and baby wise I guess you can say. Such exciting things are happening Ashley and Vanessa (very well deserved)!
I am in the final stretch as they say, 40 weeks tomorrow. And I am very impatiently waaaaaiiiitttttiiinnnggg...
At last doctor's appt (yesterday) I was 2-3 centimeters dilated/ soft cervix (have been 2 for at least a couple weeks...). Non stress test is perfect, and showed I'm having contractions and baby's heart rate is tolerating them well. I will have another appt Monday if I don't go into labor before then (which I'm doubting) to do another non stress test, cervical exam, and an ultrasound to check baby's size and fluid levels. 
My doc said she will go as late as 41.5 weeks before induction, which brings me to just before Thanksgiving. I think I will lose my mind if I have to wait that long. I'm trying to keep perspective and know how very blessed I am, but good God I am soooo ready to meet my son!
I could use some positive vibes for birth 😊.