Separate Ob-Gyn office waiting room?

Hi Ladies. Is there really anything worse than having to wait in the Ob-Gyn office...after a loss... I'm sure you know exactly what I mean if you've been through it too. The time I had to wait because I was bleeding heavily 3 days after my D&E for a missed miscarriage at 10w2d was almost unbearable. I sobbed uncontrollably the whole time, while glowing pregnant women just stared at me... Even for more routine things, like a lab draw today, it's just so sad and hard to sit in that same place you sat happily getting your ultrasounds know. So what I'm proposing is a small quiet separate waiting room for moms that are grieving. No "Parents" magazines. No pamphlets about breastfeeding. And sorry to sound harsh but no pregnant women, please. If you stand with me on this please let me know. I'm in a unique position and may be actually able to make this happen in my town, if I can get enough support. My goal is that if it happens in my town, maybe someday it will eventually become the norm, and just make those office visits a tiny bit easier for those of us that are going through such a hard and sad time. Thank you all.