Completely terrified...

I have been TTC for two years after an ectopic. We were referred to see a specialist last January and began all the testing. Egg retrieval in September followed by OHSS and then FET on October 26th. First beta 274 FINALLY a BFP on Nov 6, second beta 990 on Nov 9th. Then Wed the 11th I got a sharp pain went to thin bathroom and pink blood, not a lot but enough to freak me out so I went to ER. Bled and cramped for approx 45 min, not even enough blood to soak a very thin pad. Passed one quarter sized blood clot and then it all stopped. My levels had risen to 2600 in two days and my cervix was closed with no active bleeding. Went to my Dr yesterday at 5 weeks 1 day, she said she couldn't see anything yet but there was a speck that could be the start of the gestational sac. Needless to say I left in tears. I'm terrified that this was a miscarriage or another ectopic. But I have not bled since that one bout not even a little spotting. Any advice? Can a miscarriage literally be 45 min of mild cramping and verily light bleeding? The Dr said 5 weeks is still really early and things don't always show on an ultrasound that early...