My bf gets mad because I don't let him discipline my daughter

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost seven months and most of the time we get along. I moved in with him with my two year old daughter and everything was fine. He has been providing for us since we moved in he pays for my needs and my daughters needs since her father is not around or helping financially. Lately it seems like our only argument is about how to discipline my daughter. I recently started to put my daughter in timeout for two minutes when she misbehaves. ( hits, throws food, ect..) I have only put her in timeout twice so far. I am trying to figure out how to do it because I am clueless. I was always hit and yelled at by my mom since I could remember and I don't want to discipline that way. This is my first child so I am learning ways that I would like to discipline her that is no where near like my mother did to me. Anyways when my daughter is acting out and my boyfriend steps in she cries for me and it breaks my heart so I pick her up to calm her down and distract her with something else until she stops crying. He gets frustrated when i do that. A part of me would like him to come to me when she misbehaves so I can handle it and get her used to this transitioning timeout thing. I want us to be on the same page of what to do and how she's going to be disciplined. He doesn't yell or anything like that... he tells her she's "being bad" and sits her down and tells her to "say sorry" until she does which takes a while because she's crying. I feel like she forgets what she did by the time she does say sorry. I have said numerous times let's write some ideas down on how I want to discipline my daughter so we are both on the same page. He seems to think that by me stepping in is going to make her think she doesn't have to listen to him. He also says that he is not going to do everything he does for us if he can't discipline her in a way that he thinks she should be. I really don't know why he's making such a huge deal about this to the point where we have to fight about it. When I try to talk about it I just cry because I'm at a loss for words. I just don't get it.