TTC w/ progesterone. Anyone know anything about this?

Gena • 37. First time mommy to baby James on 06/19/18.
Hey everyone, I'm new to this group. I'm 31 and have been TTC w/ my husband for about 4-5 years now. 
Sorry this post is kinda long- but I just really need advice. :/ 
I have PCOS as well as uterine fibroids,  and I was on the BC pill for a couple years to regulate my cycle prior to our TTC. I was actually very regular for about 2 years but we still never had any luck. I bought a clear blue fertility monitor about 2 years ago and since owning it I've only had ONE "peak" reading. We tried that day, the day after, and the day after that, and still nothing but a BFN. So, that was earlier this year. Skip to now, where I have had irregular cycles again for about 6 mos and I have just had absolutely NO FREAKING CLUE how to chart for this crap. I can never seem to monitor BBT because either my husband or one of our cats wakes me up vying something that makes me jump out of bed, or because my sleep schedule is erratic, or SOMETHING else. I haven't been able to use my CB monitor because I've basically had either 2 days of spotting then nothing then 2 more days, then nothing, then 2 more; or a month long period and I just don't know WHEN to officially mark CD 1 with the monitor. 
Currently I'm on day 22 of bleeding, but last week I actually end up in the local women's ER getting a biopsy and vaginal ultrasound because I had been clotting, cramping, and bleeding be so badly that I almost needed a blood transfusion. The doctor put me on progesterone pills and told me to take them "cyclically" 10 days on, 20 days off. She told me that it will help regulate my cycle without the contraceptive effects of the BC pill. She told me that it may even help me to conceive. Since sex for me is kind of painful (and no, it's not about not enough foreplay, I even have trouble with tampons sometimes)- my husband and I really REALLY like to make sure that we "try" at the right times. So my question is this: has anyone else had to take (or are you currently taking) progesterone for this type of issue while TTC, and if so, how did/do you track your cycle/fertility signs?Â