To test or not?!

I could use some advice. My husband and I are TTC for the first time. I'm currently on day 37 of my cycle. My average cycle is around 32-34 days. I've been to day 41 and gotten my period before, so I'm quick to not get my hopes up now. 
The only things that are different are these:
Nausea (but my husband has been sick) 
Severe cramping last week
I got a yeast infection about a week and a half ago that was VERY difficult to get rid of, when normally they go away with one dose of fluconazole. 
I got a hemorrhoid and I've NEVER had one before. 
I've been having bowels movements more often than I'm used to (I have IBS and am usually blocked up) 
Very gassy 
I'm sorry if this is TMI, but I'm just nervous to test and get yet another BFN
Thank you!