Outside opinions

Hey glow. I just needed to vent and get some outside opinions. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half and are expecting our first baby in Feb. Lately he has seemed so distant from me. He works 8am-5pm. He will come home and either a. Hop on his video games and play into the night after I fall asleep or b. Come home sleep until I'm pretty much ready for bed and then play video games all night, wake and repeat. He has been going for "random" walks all of a sudden. Dont think he's cheating think he is smoking because he was suppose to of quit but I've caught he has been smoking at work. Not answering my texts when I know he's off work on his way home (carpools so he's not driving) and when I get upset about the lack if time he gets angry and says I need to find something for us to do while I do nothing at home. (High risk pregnancy and lost my job) but every time I ask him to do ANYTHING or go anywhere with me he has an excuse why he doesnt want to....unless he's benefiting from it. Last time we actually went out was to the movies because my girlfriend took me out to a movie and lunch one day and was going to see movie he wanted to see and told me to pick a different movie that wed see the other one when he got home. Anyone have any ideas of things we can do together? Or any ideas of what might be the issue? I'm just feeling really alone like I might as well be single. I love him but something has to change and he always somehow makes it my fault...hmmm. Thanks for any input.