Stressed and need help!

Lily • Doula and Lactation Consultant

So! Recently moved across the country and my husband and I are selling our house in Ontario. Finally got an offer on the house, won't see money for a month and it's been so tough finding jobs here.

Just found out I'm pregnant (4 weeks along) and he had his hopes up for a great job but didn't get it :(. I'm still doing school full time but might have to quit and get a job for a while.

There are so many things changing in my life that I can't control, I spend all day everyday looking at and applying for jobs for both of us, so it's hard to concentrate on school, but all this stress isn't good for the baby either!

We're staying with my parents until we get settled, also helping out my grandmother who's dementia has progressed quite rapidly. Living with parents is never fun, and it's so sad to see my grandmother like that.

Any words of encouragement? Would love to hear them 💜. Any ways to cope that help?