Don't take it to heart.

I just want to post this, not to sound mean or anything but I have seen A LOT of girls ttc and they are 17 or younger and most likely still in high school.
I understand that babies are cute and wanting that feeling of someone depending on you and loving you forever sounds awesome but please please PLEASE know that it is NOT that simple! 
I was 16 when I got pregnant and had my daughter at 17. I was just a senior in high school and thought I had life figured out. Well.. Plans change. My boyfriend of a year dumped me and I had no job. Before my daughter, I was in sports and very good at it. Well my body didn't bounce back so easy after having her and I could no longer stay late after school because I had to tend to the needs of my child. School was difficult especially waking up every 3 hours for a feeding. I realized that I had to get my act together, not for me, but for my baby. 
After busting my butt, I got a job, I graduated, and am now married to my wonderful husband (who is not my daughters father). 
Yes having a baby is a miracle and I don't regret her one bit, but for your sake, FINISH high school. Now is NOT the time to be thinking about babies! You should be thinking about graduating, applying for scholarships for college, being young! 
No there is no age limit in which one can be a great mommy but take advantage of your youth! You're only this age once.