In love or crazy?


I've been dating this guy for like three months now. I've never really felt so good being with anyone. I think it's amazing. But the problem is that I have issues not thinking about him when I can't see him. Like, I feel insane - basically. It's so easy for me to miss him, even if I'm having the best time with my friends.

But he cherishes his alone time and hanging with his friends every now and then. And I understand that. I used to be that. And I want to give him his time. And then I try to take a little distance, but it hurts. And then I don't know where the line between giving time and pushing away goes. Once he meantioned the fact that I should sometimes give him a call, because it's always his job to contact me.

The last I saw him was on sunday and right now I'm basically flipping out feeling like I'm out to get myself... should I just call him and ask what he's up to? Because this feel like I could disturbing him. :/ but what if he's Tired of always having to call me?

Sorry just a teenage girl with a lot of probs :/:/:/