I'm having such a bad pregnancy..,

Please share your pains and struggles with this pregnancy.. Let me know I'm not the only one who just wishes my baby would just come already!!! I'm in SO much pain!! I can hardly walk at times, I pee a few times every hour! And I've been having contractions that get very painful and then just stop!!!! Yep Prodromal labor!!! So exhausting and painful!!! No there not Braxton Hicks!! The doctors just give me medicine to relax them but not stop them!!! Why do some women experience labor pains and do not dilate???🔫🔫🔫 Its crazy!! I go to my doctor visit tomorrow morning 8am and pray to God I'm dilated way passed 2cm 😭😭... And now she is hitting somewhere in my spine that's causing my right leg to give out!!! I can't walk on it sometimes, like pregnant and crippled!!!